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Our Second Home

There are thousands of young refugees and migrants arriving in this country every year. These young people are often isolated and lonely, living in foster care or supported accommodation, without the necessary infrastructure to develop positive social relationships or learn vital skills.


OSH exists to plug this gap.

You could say that the story of Our Second Home began with a group of former youth leaders. They knew how transformative it can be to grow up in a youth movement. They felt that these experiences should be open to the thousands of young refugees and migrants in this country, many of whom lack the community and support that is so fundamental to building a life here and feeling at home. 

But really, the story of Our Second Home begins with the participants. They are the ones who make this a youth movement. We believe that by providing the infrastructure and tools that they lack, we can tap into the potential of these individuals and help build the next generation of refugee leaders. To do this, we host residential programmes and year-round activities, creating a safe, communal space that enables us to teach leadership skills and spark ideas.

It works like this: young refugees and asylum seekers come on an OSH residential trip. They cook together. Play games. Learn dances from each other's cultures.  Many had their childhoods taken away from them and at OSH they just get to be kids.

The graduates of these trips take part in leadership training and go on to be the ones who take the reins. They help lead the movement.

This is just the beginning of a positive cycle that just needs one big push. OSH is building the next generation of leaders from refugee backgrounds. These young migrants will become role models and leaders in our movement and in local communities, supporting those coming after.

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Our Second Home is a registered UK charity, no. 1197551

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