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Care Packages


Being a young refugee or migrant can be isolating at the best of times, but social distancing is making daily life even harder. Not being able to see friends, play football, go to youth clubs and simply take part in normal life has left many feeling restless and bored. Isolation is also likely to exacerbate existing issues - asylum seekers are five times more likely to have mental health needs than the general population and more than 61% will experience serious mental distress. Although we cannot be there to offer support in person, we have decided to send Care Packages to members of our OSH community, in order to help from afar. 

Each Care Package will contain a range of items, such as sports equipment (for safe and isolated exercise), art supplies, some games and a couple of nice treats, all with the aim of giving our community fun activities to look forward to and help pass the time.

A donation of £8 will allow us to send a Care Package to one of our young people, bringing a smile to their face. The more donations we receive the more Care Packages we will be able to send.

Your support is especially appreciated at this time.


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