Many young refugees and migrants are especially vulnerable at this time and can feel particularly isolated. To support these young people we are hosting online activities, offering financial aid through our Hardship Fund and raising funds for care packages.
Hardship Fund
We are launching the Covid-19 Hardship Fund, available to any young person is a refugee or asylum seeker and has been on, or applied to, an OSH residential.
Care Packages
Being a young refugee or migrant can be isolating at the best of times, but social distancing is making daily life even harder. Not being able to see friends, play football, go to youth clubs and simply take part in normal life has left many feeling restless and bored. Isolation is also likely to exacerbate existing issues - asylum seekers are five times more likely to have mental health needs than the general population and more than 61% will experience serious mental distress. Although we cannot be there to offer support in person, we decided to launch a fundraiser so that we could send Care Packages to members of our OSH community, in order to help from afar. We managed to raise £858, allowing us to send over 100 Care Packages